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Frieza because he survived the explosion of the entire planet namek. Even Sharingan can't cause more pain and death than an apocolypse. Could Itachi survive an apocolypse? I don't think so!

-Think about this though, The Sharingun is a prolonged series of mental and physical torture not just a momentary explosion, it is far faster than Friezas speed as well and only lasts a few seconds in the real world but days in the world of Tyskuomi.but on the other hand itachi is strong,

Frieza is a massivly hypersonic planetbuster. Itachi gets murderstomped.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Goku speedblitzes.

Susano and amaretatsu and genjutsu are irrelevent compared to planetbusting ki blasts.

Uchiha Itachi Will get PWNed by Goku during dragonball.

It doesn't matter if he goes super saiyan at all, he can beat him before dragonballZ even started.

Itachi has the amatarasu, but that is only fire and cannot hurtsomeone who has tanked planetbusters.

Dont forget goku's speed put's itachi's to shame.

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13y ago

orochimaru because frieza has to rely on tricks win he is down orochimaru is one of the strongest ones on naruto its like asking if naruto can beat yamcha or somebody

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12y ago

Its itachi no conetset

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