Dark sonic would win period. Dark sonic can disintegrate anything he looks at. Sonic just turns super sonic and runs and were weolf form, but they are both still pretty good.
hyper sonic he is in sonic and knuckles 3
Catwoman would win.
Nintendo Gamecube game. With Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails in the "HERO" side and Eggman/Robotnik, Rouge, and Shadow in the "DARK" side. You can also enter the "Chao World" to visit your chao. For more info on chaos go to http://chao.hippotank.com/
Sonic and Shadow would win, because Shadow CAN stop time and defeat mario and luigi, while sonic can turn super and knock luigi like a bowling ball. Mario might have fireballs, but Shadow has electric spears. Luigi has fireballs, Sonic has the speed of light. End Of Discussion.
Sonic turns to Dark Sonic in episode 67 (3rd season). It only just shows 5 seconds of his power, but....... Hope this answer helped. Oh, and the episode name is "The Black Trap" or "Teasing Time".
at the start when it says ''ready to fight'' click on sonic or shadow till you get to the dark costume
There is no dark super sonic!!!!!!! -_-
you can't the only super form of sonic is super sonic and if you really want dark SUPER sonic you have to cheat
nosuper sonic is alote more powerful than dark sonic super sonic can destroy somthing by touching it
you have to hack it but i would NOT do it if i where you
That's Dark Super Sonic. He's appear on Sonic X episode 67
the sonic forms are super sonic, dark spine sonic, excalibar sonic, calliburn sonic, ultra sonic, solar sonic, eco sonic and ice sonic hyper sonic negative sonic
The fake emeralds had a negative affect on sonic while he was mad making him become dark super sonic
there is,nt dark sonic iff you ment wherehog it would be no
Dark super Sonic is not a character in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
dark super sonic is a dark form of super sonic seen in sonic x he was tested on by metarex to test his fake chaos emralds dark metal sonic looks exactly like super sonic but he has no eyes, is black, and has a blue arua dark spine was formed when sonics negative energy was drivin through the fake emralds and thus dark super sonic was born, but he lost his powers when eggman calmed him down ''sonic normally acts much better than this'' he said and dark super sonic was never seen again
(by the way... its Dark Sonic) When the 7 chaos emeralds are nearby they turn dark and the bring the power to sonic. (Dark Sonic is powerful than super sonic.)