He Has A Chance Of Getting Cancer As He Smokes But Will HOpefully Stop For His Fans.
of course not Jeff said he loves wwe and he will only stop when the fans tell him to (he said that in an interview)
no but we all on answers.com wish he would stop being a jerk!
Ix-nay in pig latin is "Nix" which means 'no' or 'stop talking about' Oopid-stay is pig latin for Stupid (or Stoopid depending on the way ur spelling it) So I guess it would mean, stop talking about THE stupid [person] or stop talking stupid
caused her teeth to keep growing
JJ Hardy is the Milwaukee Brewers short stop.
Some individuals produce more offspring than others.
He didn't
You have to stop letting them do that to you. Why do you let them do it? They are not great friends when this is happening. Talk to them and tell them that you don't appreciate and ask them why it is always happening. If they don't come back with a valid answer or an apology I would review the friendship.
He hasn't
You cant
you can not.
To stop them happening again
pee in it
a248.e.akamai.net..is stopping me for logging into my facebook..This happening to all my family....How to stop it happening.
The action of stopping something from happening or arising.