Twilight is set in Forks, Washington. Although Forks is a real place, the movie Twilight is not actually shot in the town of Forks. Furthermore, Stephanie Meyer had never visited Forks, Washington before writing her novel. She simply googled it.
Twilight is mainly filmed around Portland Oregon. Instead of shooting at Forks High School itself, scenes taking place at the school were filmed at Kalama High School and Madison High School. Other scenes were filmed in St. Helens, and some re-shooting was conducted in Pasadena, California.
The shots of the town were in Italy, but the scenes with the Volturi were shot in Portland, Wa.
They both attend Forks High School in Forks, Washington. =]
The Spartans (in Twilight)
Twilight is shot in Forks Washington.
the twilight series was shot in Forks Vancover
it is forks but it is shot in Vancouver
Twilight is set in Forks, Washington. Although Forks is a real place, the movie Twilight is not actually shot in the town of Forks. Furthermore, Stephanie Meyer had never visited Forks, Washington before writing her novel. She simply googled it.
Twilight is set in Forks, Washington. There is a couple of scenes out of Forks. There is some in Phoenix Arizona and one at La Push Beach.
While parts of Twilight were filmed in Forks, Washington, most of the exterior scenes were shot in Oregon. Forks was chosen as the inspiration for the book's setting due to its reputation for frequent rainfall and fog.
Well there are many scenes. Forks high school, a forest, Arizona. yyyeeeeppp thatz all
that's a competition question!!Filmmakers of Twilight chose Oregon's Madison High School, Multnomah Falls, Oxbow Park, and town of Corbett to recreate the rainy, gloomy setting of Forks, Washington. Twilight, which is about a teenage romantic mismatch of vampire and mortal, raked in over $70 million in its opening weekend and represents the first #1 box office movie to be filmed in Oregon.
Some scenes of the "Twilight" movie were filmed in Forks, Washington, including the exterior shots of the high school parking lot, the diner where Bella and Charlie eat, and the forest scenes around the town. However, most of the filming took place in other locations in Oregon, due to better tax incentives and more suitable filming conditions.
Forks, Washington. They did film some of Twilight in Forks, but not most of it. Forks High School wasn't the real Forks High School. It was somewhere in California. The meadow wasn't really a meadow either. Kathryn Hardwick just took lots of grass and put it all over a golf course.
The welcome sign for Forks in the Twilight series reads "Welcome to Forks: Home of the Spartans."
the original name was forks high school, i know weird right?