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Q: Which one direction song goes ''blow a kiss take it back if i looked inside your brain''?
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Where is the back of your brain?

Inside the back of your head.

In what direction does the development of the brain proceed?

from back to front

Why person becomes comatose after stroke?

the impact can cause the brain to move back and forth inside the skull. The movement of the brain inside the skull can tear blood vessels and nerve fibers, which causes swelling in the brain. This swelling presses down on blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood (and with it, oxygen) to the brain.

What does it mean when a lecturer has waved and smiled at you from far away when you have looked in his direction?

The lecturer must have seen you looking their way and just waved back to be polite.

Can we use the word back at the end of the sentence?

When he looked at me I looked back.

What happens inside the child's head when the child is shaken?

Shaken baby syndrome can cause severe brain injury in children due to the brain bouncing back and forth inside the skull. This can lead to bleeding, swelling, and damage to the brain tissue, resulting in long-term disabilities or even death. It is a form of abusive head trauma and is a serious form of child abuse.

Why is there a front and back on a brain?

The back part of the brain processes our raw senses. The back part of the brain takes these raw senses and performs association and analysis.

What is anterior posterior direction?

Anterior refers to what is in front for example your abdomen is anterior whereas your back is posterior relative to eachother. Another example is that your nose is anterior to your brain. Anterior and posterior are relative terms.

What Mayan clothing looked like back then?

what did they wear back then.

What is the difference between head and brain?

The head is the entire thing above your neck. It includes the outside skin and hair, teeth, eyes and ears, nose and mouth, skull, and everything on the inside. The brain is just the jelly-like organ inside of the skull. It is connected to the rest of the nervous system by the spinal cord that goes down the back inside the spinal column.

What forms when light passes through water droplets in the sky?

Hazy, diffused sunshine does.If the sunlight bounces back from inside the water droplets, and it happens tobounce back in your direction, then you might see a rainbow.

What is a brain midline shift?

When the center line (middle linear point) of your brain shifts. It is usually caused by head trauma, tumor or cyst. It will move away from the injured area in any direction(front,back or side to side.) It can be very serious but doesn't always have to be.