One Direction comes back to Toronto on May 29 and the 31st :) Although the tickets on ticket master are sold out.
Directioners are people who like One Direction. They support them. They are loving people who defend their fandom when needed to. "Directioners are awesome!" "We love One Direction." "You need to back off! One Direction never did anything to you."
what current goes back and forth, or oscillates, rather than traveling in only one direction
the reason- because they are all going in one direction. also, because the band wanted to go in "one direction"... to the top! they also thought it sounded cool when Niall said it in his announcer voice.
there first song was what makes you beautiful was released in September 2011if that was what you wanted to know????
One Direction font
On their 2013 World Tour they are only going to Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver
They have been interviewed in Toronto...I think
Only one direction can tell you that.
The one direction pop up store hours in Toronto are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
In Claire's
end of may 2012 :) <3
yes they have already been and they are coming back
In April 13th
Yes, on may 29 2011, may 31 2011, july 9 2012, and july 10 2012
one direction come to serbia 2083rd
They have already came to Canada, they went to Toronto