what do you mean???
safest to retrieve?
safest to destroy?
safest hiding place?
safest to be near for a long period of time?
safest what???
The last Horcrux both to be made and destroyed was Nagini.
No, Fawkes is not a horcrux. Fawkes is a phoenix that belonged to Albus Dumbeldore, and most probably was his animal familiar.
Horcrux #1- the diary, Harry Potter destroyed using a basilisk fang Horcrux #2- the Gaunt Ring, killed by Dumbledore Horcrux #3- the Slytherin locket, killed by Ron Weasley with the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #4-the cup of Hufflepuff, killed by Hermione Granger by a basilisk fang Horcrux #5- the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, killed by Harry Potter by a fire in the Room of Requirement Horcrux #6- the snake Nagini, killed by Neville Longbottom by the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #7- Harry Potter, killed by Lord Voldemort by the "Avada Kedavra" killing curse
R.A.B. Tried to take the horcrux to destroy it, he didn't believe in the way that Voldemort was going about things.
Nobody because Horcruxes don't exist and this particular Horcrux is mentioned in a parody of Harry Potter called; A Very Potter Musical.
No, he didn't die because he was Horcrux. Had he not been a Horcrux the killing curse would have killed Harry, instead of just the Horcrux.
There is no eighth horcrux, as Voldemort only created seven.
Nagini the snake was the last Horcrux to be be created and destroyed.
Yes, the horcrux inside of Harry Potter
No, but the diary Horcrux, was destroyed.
No she didnt....Dumbledore tells Harry that he is a Horcrux
J.K. Rowling never revealed the process in making a Horcrux.
It depends what Horcrux your talking about, they do find them all and destroy them all though.
A horcrux is created when a witch or wizard rips off a piece of their soul and embeds it in an object. The horcrux will allow them to survive even if their mortal body should die.
Well it's more like what is a horcux. A horcrux is an item that you put part of your soul into.
The last Horcrux both to be made and destroyed was Nagini.