Despite what people may think the scene when Ahiru and Fakir kiss is not an episode. Rather, it is a promotional trailer for the series. If you search "Princess Tutu Promo" or "Princess Tutu Promotional Trailer" you'll find it easily.
Sadly, Duck and Fakir never kiss in the show. But if you want to see a really romantic pas de deux with the two of them I suggest episode 25.
They kiss in episode 16 and episode 33
they dont actually kiss but in episode 4 its like a kiss he has to kiss her to get medicine in her mouth and in episode 8 he kisses her on the nose and episode 24 he kisses her on the neck
There is no first episode that Naruto and Hinata kiss because they don't kiss.
No, there is not a 26th episode of Itazura Na Kiss.
Sadly, Duck and Fakir never kiss in the show. But if you want to see a really romantic pas de deux with the two of them I suggest episode 25.
No, despite a fanservicey almost-kiss in an early episode, no one ever kisses anyone.
Mytho never kisses Princess Tutu. However, Kraehe kisses Mytho in episode 11 and he kisses Rue in the last episode.
I believe it's Inuyasha episode 56, if that is the one you are looking for.
No. The didn't ever hug in any episode
They kiss in episode 16 and episode 33
They kiss in the final episode.
they kiss in episode 78, and 22
Yes Finn has kissed two princesses throughout the series. He shared a kiss with Princess Bubblegum in the episode "Too Young". Finn also kissed Flame Princess later in the series in the episode "Burning Low".
i think its in episode 9
they dont actually kiss but in episode 4 its like a kiss he has to kiss her to get medicine in her mouth and in episode 8 he kisses her on the nose and episode 24 he kisses her on the neck
There is no first episode that Naruto and Hinata kiss because they don't kiss.