the first episode of season 4
There is no such episode because Prue and Paige never meet in the show.
Season 8 episode 14
episode 19
Episode 117
the first episode of season 4
Charmed Again (Prue's funeral, the sisters meet Paige) :D
There is no such episode because Prue and Paige never meet in the show.
Season 8 episode 14
they met their younger selves in 'that seventies episode' (season 1. ep17) then they become their older selves in 'morality bites' (season 2 ep2)
They meet in episode 163. The episode is released now.
They meet in episode 1
they meet songo in episode 24
Leo and Paige only travel back once together and that is to see her parents death. However there were several times where Paige time-traveled back and met a younger Leo. For example she sneezed herself into a different dimension where she and her sisters had not met and she meets Leo there. She also travels back to meet a young Penny Haliwell via some go-go boots and Leo actually hits on her there.
They meet in episode 20