The best metal band is Iron Maiden. Here's the full list:
just jack by far
the person above says just jack, I would say vampire weekend or John Lennon
its all tastes
i dunno, im thinking bullet from my valentine, three days grace or symphony x are the best bands. - Nit3Rav3n
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this also includes duos:
Probably Led Zeppelin or Queen based on the music. If based on influence, it would be the Beatles.
Obviously Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Judias Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megedeth, Alice In Chains, Godsmack,Fleetwood Mac, Van Halen, more, more!
There are no known bands known as "Something Boys".
He also played in the bands Ace, Mike and the Mechanics, and Roxy music.
No, Disturbed is one of the straightest bands alive! Their music is amazing!
frankie and the gryrations
One of the biggest bands to play within the past century. ___________________________________________________ When asked this question at the time of Beatlemania, George Harrison replied, "We're only 5'11, ya know."
yes their the best band ever!!!!!
one of the best bands ever
There is no precise answer for this as opinions vary(:
the bands awesome thats why
Indie is always confused for a specific style of music that some indie bands play. (if you ever heard the Juno soundtrack... that is what people think indie music is) But indie refers to bands or artists that are not signed with a major recording company. some examples of indie bands are push play lights resolve and some underground bands.
the Harlem shake was the best music video ever made
YES! They still ARE important! The Beatles are one of the most famous bands EVER! AND they influence a lot of bands today. With out the Beatles, music wouldn't be what it is.
Bands make music, and music provides entertainment to others.
There remembered for their nice music and being one of the best bands in the world.
Yes and it is counted as one of the best music bands living today.
It is the best music ever written.
they have 17 premium records and are known as one of the best bands ever