No, Disturbed is one of the straightest bands alive! Their music is amazing!
I dont think so he s straight
Yes, Disturbed is the best band.
the band Disturbed sang down with the sickness on their album The Sickness in 2000
the sickness
it is
I dont think so he s straight
Yes, Disturbed is the best band.
disturbed Glass Shattered By Disturbed
The duration of Dentally Disturbed is 360.0 seconds.
Depending on context, disturbed can be translated as:gestörtgeistesgestörtbeunruhigtverwirrtstörtebeunruhigte
The duration of Disturbed - film - is 1.6 hours.
Well knowing that Disturbed is the only band out of the two. Disturbed, ICP is a hip-hop duo group.
The past simple form of "disturb" is "disturbed." For example, "The loud noise disturbed my concentration."
Decadance by Disturbed
No, Disturbed has never done a song by that title.
No. No such Disturbed song exists.