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I love the code geass anime, but I haven't read the manga. Is it any good? You can use

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Where can you download code geass manga?

Why, don't you just read em online try,, and

Code geass new season?

I've read from SUNRISE Website in code geass section in the News of code geass that there is a new series<<<< i can't read Japanese but i translated it ,,, i need some one to see the URL and say if it's true or not ! please i need some one to see it and translate it to us ,,, i hope it's really good news that there is new series after R2

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Yes I have.

Is there a code geass r3?

Short Answer : No Long Answer : There have been unconfirmed rumors of a newsgroup in japan "announcing" r3 for Spring 2010 but take that with a grain of salt Edit: Yes, there is going to be a season three of Code Geass, but it will not have Lelouch as the main character. It will be set in the Edo era of Japan (if I remember correctly). It will about some character that looks a lot like Lelouch (how typical) and he can shoot shuriken from his mechanical arm (lame :P).

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Where to read free gundam manga?

You can read free Gundam manga on websites like MangaDex, Manga Rock, or MangaFox. Additionally, some official manga publishers have websites where they offer free chapters of popular series, including Gundam.

Where can 'After School Nightmare' manga be read in e-book form?

this manga can be read for free at either manga fox, one manga or zen manga :)