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CC's real name is Cecilia. I read a article about Code Geass : Shikkoku No Renya (the new code geass), and there i read that CC's real name has been revealed and it's Cecilia. VV 's real name is Vivian,just saying cuz maybe your interested about VV....That's all I hope my answer is helpful....=)

Her real name is "Shizuku"...... It means waterdrop in Japanese... Ever wonder why when Lelouch talkin to her about her name we could only hear water drops?

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14y ago

You should probably disregard ANY other answer anyone gives because her name is NEVER revealed. People who say her name is [insert random name here] are only going by what they THOUGHT they saw or what someone else told them they thought they saw. Obviously her real name is something with two Cs in it, but that's all everyone (in Japan or America or anywhere else) knows.

Her name was never revealed as of the end of R2. (Trust me, I, along with many others, have checked that it was as such)

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14y ago

Nobody knows what C.C's real name is because it has never been stated in either the manga or the anime. But if you can read lips and speak Japanese, then you might be able to figure it out if you look real closely!

~ C.C.

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16y ago

I Heard Its Elizibeth, But Every time ( When I was watching ) they blurred it out

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