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Easiest way is to trade Thunderbug to the old trader in the jungle. He may give you Sharp Claws sometimes.

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Q: Where to get giant bone in monster hunter freedom 2?
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Were can you get a med monster bone monster hunter freedom?

You can get them by killing monsters with shells in the dessert.

Where can you get a large monster bone monster hunter freedom 2?

You get a large monster bone from the large monsters like the kut-ku.

How can you get monster bone plus in monster hunter freedom?

4*+ Elder quests. If I recall correctly, the Green Plesioth awarded Monster Bone+.

How do you get medium monster bone on monster hunter freedom 1?

Kill the things with spicky tails in the desert

How get hard monster bone in monster hunter freedom 2?

You could just fight a monster from the Upper Rank missions in the Guild Hall.

How do you big bones in monster hunter freedom unite?

This isn't a question but a incomplete sentence, and there is no such item, bone, or weapon called big bone.

How do you get a giant bone on monster hunters freedom unite?

you'll usually get that on higher rank quest monsters after you defeat them...

Where do you buy ammo for the bone shooter on monster hunter freedom 2 PSP?

u go to the guy with all the food around him

Where can you get a monster bone plus monster hunter freedom unite?

By hunting a khezu, rathalos, rathian etc... The first time I got any monster bone +, it was when I got 3 of them from one run of the 5* village quest "Small Shadow over the Swamp".

How do you Get hard Monster Bone in Monster Hunter Freedom?

In Monster Hunter Freedom, Hard Monster Bone can be obtained by breaking certain monster parts. To increase your chances of obtaining Hard Monster Bone, focus on targeting specific parts of monsters that are known to drop this material, such as the head or back. Additionally, using weapons with high impact damage, such as hammers or hunting horns, can help break these parts more effectively. Good luck in your hunts!

How do you get monster bone in monster hunter freedom 2?

you can get it in the jungle map number.5 there will be a large monster only need to hit about 4 to 5 hit if you using bone katana or iron katana and when you killed it you will need to press(circle) and some time you are lucky you will get monster bones or raw meat!

How do you get a monster bone in monster hunter?

Just keep hunting monsters. You get really weird monster bones near the end.