She is still alive in a mental institution, some would call that a living death,.
Dorothy Dandridge's daughter Harolyn Nicholas was born September 2, 1943.
The duration of Introducing Dorothy Dandridge is 2 hours.
Raymond Garfield Dandridge does have living relative . also Dorothy Dandridge has living relatives.
If you are referring to Dorothy Dandridge's Carmen JonesAcademy Award nomination for best actress, the year is 1954. Dandridge lost out to Grace Kelly for Kelly's role in The Country Girl that year.
Halle Berry
Dorothy Dandridge's daughter Harolyn Nicholas was born September 2, 1943.
Dorothy Dandridge was born in 1922. She died at the age of 42 in 1965. Her daughter, Harolyn Suzzane Nicholas was born in 1943 and is still alive.
Yes, but she is confined to a Mental Hospital.
Dorothy Dandridge's birth name is Dandridge, Dorothy Jean.
she was brain damaged and lived out her life in an institution.
Dorothy Dandridge is 5' 5".
Dorothy Dandrige's daughter Harolyn is now almost 67 years old and is in a State Mental Institution in Camarillo, California.
Dorothy Dandridge was born on November 9, 1923.
Dorothy Dandridge was born on November 9, 1923.
The duration of Introducing Dorothy Dandridge is 2 hours.
Freedom Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California ~ see related link below .
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge was created on 1999-08-21.