Raymond Garfield Dandridge does have living relative . also Dorothy Dandridge has living relatives.
She is still alive in a mental institution, some would call that a living death,.
Raymond Burr, the Canadian actor who died in 1993, never stated his sexual orientation in public. speculate on what is personal and private information to any individual, living or dead.
i saw a documentary on discovery where a relative of hers went to the ruins of the Bathory castle, he was also making some opera about here if i recall correctly.
On "Everybody Loves Raymond" (1996-2005), Ray's brother Robert, played by Brad Garrett, was a New York City police officer, attaining the rank of lieutenant.
The tragic and beautiful Dorothy Dandridge gave birth to Harolyn Nicholas, the daughter of she and dancer, Harold Nicholas of The Nicholas Brothers in 1943. It was soon discovered the child was mentally retarded. Harold abandoned them, but, Dorothy was devoted to her child and tried to make sure she had the best care. Unfortunately, a series of bad relationships, waning career opportunities and financial collapse forced her to have the child institutionalized. She is believed to be alive, still living in an institution.
She was an actress.
She is still alive in a mental institution, some would call that a living death,.
The Bengal tiger is the tiger that is the closest living relative of the Amur tiger.
Garfield lived with John Arbuckle and Odie (dog) He had a cousin Nermel who occasionally visited. At times there may be mice living in the holes in the walls.
He Is An Amercian RnB Singer and Actor
He Is An Amercian RnB Singer and Actor
No known
The crocodile/alligator
Yes!!!! Vonstueben has a living relative.
they were the presedent and secretary of the NAAPC