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it is said on Stephenie Meyer's website that Edward is not exactly sure of his location.

"I wasn't precisely sure where I was. Some dark attic crawl space, full of rats and Spiders. The spiders ignored me, and the rats gave me a wide berth. The air was thick of heavy scents of cooking oil, rancid meat, human sweat, and the nearly solid layer of pollution that was actually visible in the humid air, like a black film over everything. Below me, four stories of rickety ghetto tenement teamed with life. I didn't bother to separate the thoughts from the voices - they made a big, loud Spanish clamor that I didn't listen to. I just let the sounds bounce off me. Meaningless. All of it was meaningless. My very existence was meaningless.
The whole world was meaningless."

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California, possibly In New Moon, it says that Edward was practicing tracking, and followed Victoria to Texas, then followed a false trail to Brazil.

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Q: Where does Edward go in New Moon after leaving Bella I know he goes to the Volturi to be killed and Bella and Alice save him but before that where was he?
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Why did edward go to the voulti?

Do you rember when Bella and Edward were talking about Romeo and Juliet thing at the beginning of New Moon. Well he said that once Bella died he would go to the volturi and ask to be killed. Well do you also rember when Jacob thought he was taling to Carlise when he really wasn't he was talking to Edward. Well unfoutnatly when Jacob said Charlie was arranging a fewnral that made Edward think that Bella died so... Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself. Because he thought Bella was dead.

How was the problem solved in the story TWILIGHT?

the volturi sees that they outnumbered and that they're Powers are useless by Bella's shield so they decide to go to pike a fight with someone else

What time period does A Short Second Life of Bree Tanner take place in?

It takes place during Eclipse, just before she is killed.

Who is Irina in the Twilight books?

**Warning: Contains Spoilers** Irina was one of the original Denalie "sisters" and an originator of themytho f the succubus. She was a "vegetartian" vampire and led a very peaceful lifestyle. She, like her sisters, love men- allmen, even human men. Irina and Laurent had a relationship before he was killed by the shape-shifters (werewolves). But, they were not real children of the moon. Anyway, Irina was later killed by Caius, after giving false information to The Volturi about Reneesmee, Bella and Edward's half-vampire, half-human daughter. Otherwise, if Reneesmee was full vampire, Reneesmee might have been killed for being created. But, since, Bella was human at the time that her and Edward had sex, the baby was half-vampire and half-human. Irina was also one that was upset in New Moon after hearing that the werewolves killed Laurent. Although, Jacob and the pack just killed Laurent to save Bella Swan from being killed. occaionally,Irina died.

Where does edward go to get killed in new moon?

Edward is tracking Victoria and eventually meets Bella in Italy. Yes, but before that Edward more or less curled up into a ball and waited for time to go by, every once and a while stopping in on his family.

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Do edward go back with Bella?

Yes, after Alice and Bella save him from being killed by the volturi.

What three things does edward admit to killing?

Edward admits to killing humans, animals, and mythical creatures such as the humans who had killed Esme, the humans who had killed Rosalie, and the man who had created the Volturi.

How was Edward planning to kill himself in New Moon?

He was gonna go to the Volturi and ask to be killed, but it didn't work, so he was gonna show himself in the sun so he would sparkle and the Volturi would have to kill him. Then Alice and Bella saved the day before he could.

What was the name of the new born killed by the Volturi in Eclipse?

I think that the name of the new born killed by the Volturi in Eclipse was Bree . :)

Who is in the coven in Denali?

Tanya Kate Irina-Laurent(deceased(killed by werewolves) Eleazar-Carmen Sasha(deceased(killed by volturi) Vasilii(deceased(killed by volturi)

Who killed bree?

The Volturi killed Bree. Carlisle was willing to spare her for she didn't know the rules, but as the Volturi say "We do not offer second chances."

What happens in Italy with the volturi Alice edward and Bella?

In Italy, the Volturi are the ruling vampire coven who enforce the laws of their kind. In "Twilight," Alice, Edward, and Bella travel to Italy to prevent a confrontation between the Volturi and the Cullens. The Volturi ultimately accept Bella into the vampire world after witnessing her self-control and special abilities.

What vampire is even Edward Cullen afraid of?

He's not afraid of Vampires ... he just fears that Bella would get hurt by either the Volturi or Victoria to avenge her mate James that Edward killed. He's just being protective.

Why did edward go to the voulti?

Do you rember when Bella and Edward were talking about Romeo and Juliet thing at the beginning of New Moon. Well he said that once Bella died he would go to the volturi and ask to be killed. Well do you also rember when Jacob thought he was taling to Carlise when he really wasn't he was talking to Edward. Well unfoutnatly when Jacob said Charlie was arranging a fewnral that made Edward think that Bella died so... Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself. Because he thought Bella was dead.

What time period does A Short Second Life of Bree Tanner take place in?

It takes place during Eclipse, just before she is killed.

How was the problem solved in the story TWILIGHT?

the volturi sees that they outnumbered and that they're Powers are useless by Bella's shield so they decide to go to pike a fight with someone else

What is the name of the person who killed Didyme in Twilight?

Aro because she and Marcus was leaving the volturi but Aro killed her to save Marcus from leaving and had Chelsea and Corin to Use their gifts to make Marcus stay. "aro killed Didyme his own sister because of he wanted to make sure that the volturi would stay together, he was selfish with his choice. But what he did is to make sure that if no body left it will remain strong and powerful to this day. But in choosing that way, he choose to live a life where he had no family except from his wife Sulpicia.