If you mean Freddie Benson from iCarly, then his dream is to marry Carly Shay or even go on a date with her.
I'm not so shore but if you go to icarly wiki 508 you will see a pic of Carly sam and freddie but sams hair is up so it mite be she sister
find out how old Carly is and in a episode it will be her birthday so subtract the years
Nevel Paperman is a character on iCarly. In the first episode where he is introduced, he is the creator of a popular site called Nevelocity (which is not real). After realizing that they were never mentioned on Nevelocity (where anything cool is mentioned, a guest character said), Carly, Sam, and Freddie try to meet with Nevel. Nevel arranges to meet with Carly. She is driven by Spencer, her brother in the series, to his home. Answering the door is a woman who they at first believed to be the wife of Nevel. Nevel is in fact a young boy about Carly's age. During the meet, Nevel tries to kiss Carly, causing her to throw food angrily at his face and leaving with Spencer. He wants revenge and writes a bad review on his site about iCarly. In the end, the iCarly main cast members resort to telling his mother of his bullying and she in turn punishes him and orders him to go write something nice about Carly's webshow, what he really thinks of it. Nevel appears several more times in future episodes as an antagonist who constantly tries to sabotage their webshow and still try to kiss Carly.
Well, you see, Freddie was unhappy about having to go to pottery with his mom so he decided to ask Carly if he could hang out with her more often. Then, one day they just decided to play around with the camera and since Freddie is a nerd about computers, he knows all the things about Computers. Then they thought that they should post in on the internet and give it a name. Freddie loves Carly as everyone knows so he decided to name the show iCarly.com. Once they had gotten a few views the word caught on and more and more people watched it. Later on, they did a big poster that had iCarly on it. I hope people find this useful, Hilary Mckenzie
It's easy! All you have to do is go on nick.com website and at the top were the games are you should find the icarly iGoodbye sweepstakes. Hoped I helped! :)
no it is icarly ya know Internet carly, go to icarly it is a great website you can look at blogs NO dirty stuff on it so great for kids and teens and mom and dad will get a kick out of it to sometimes you can see ALOT of webcast and there funny too so go NOW you will not regreat it. SO GO NOW
In the first episode of Icarly Sam and Carly have to host the auditions for the school talent show because they got introuble.
I think it is about when Carly Sam and Freddie go to space
how do u register for i Carly
i Carly saves tv-its when this business man asks the crew if they want to be on tv and they do but its no what they expected
She is shown in jail in an episode where Carly is in an altered universe.
If i Carly airs there (if regularly on tv) sure! and if it doesn't, just go 2 turbonick.com. you can c it there.
The episode iGo One Direction on iCarly aired April 7th, 2012.
If you mean Freddie Benson from iCarly, then his dream is to marry Carly Shay or even go on a date with her.
when Carly,sam,and Freddie wanted to interview that wrestler. mrs. benson said no, and thought she could have Spencer convince mrs.benson to have him go, but Spencer told Carly he thought it was a bad idea as well as mrs.benson.