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Well, you see, Freddie was unhappy about having to go to pottery with his mom so he decided to ask Carly if he could hang out with her more often. Then, one day they just decided to play around with the camera and since Freddie is a nerd about computers, he knows all the things about Computers. Then they thought that they should post in on the internet and give it a name. Freddie loves Carly as everyone knows so he decided to name the show

Once they had gotten a few views the word caught on and more and more people watched it.

Later on, they did a big poster that had iCarly on it.

I hope people find this useful,

Hilary Mckenzie

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Miss Briggs made Carly and Sam watch the talet show auditions for her.Freddie came to film the auditions so he could put them on Splash Face (iCarly version of YouTube) so Miss Briggs could watch them. While they were there Freddie filmed Carly and Saam making fun of Miss Briggs's "crazy pointy boobs". Freddie accidently uploaded the video of Sam and Carly. The video got loads of hits and had tons of feedback saying they should do more so they created there webshow "iCarly".

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Who is the characters on iCarly?

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