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i would try, has all Naruto Shippuden in high resolution as well as all downloads to all Naruto and Naruto Shippuden episodes including

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Go to and you could find all naruto shippuuden episodes and movies there.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you can find it on

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βˆ™ 15y ago

in my latest answer i wrote but i meant i always mixup i wish who asked that question will read this :(

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Q: Where can you find naruto shippued episods starting with 141 episod?
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What episode is Hinata in Naruto Shippuden?

episod 1 and 2 and many more

When are they dubbing the other Naruto Shippuden episodes?

they've started!, vodpod and are the best places to get episods hope i helped x

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there is new ones in 2008 , now it newest episod is 560. =] >^._.^<

What episod did Sasuke and sakura kiss?

Never; they've yet to do so. As for Naruto and Sasuke, the first episode.

What episodes does Hinata come out on Naruto and Naruto Shippuden?

Hinata shows up around episode 40 but she is still incredibly shy of talking to Naruto. In episode 33 of Naruto shippuuden she still blushes and loses conscious when she mis-hears Naruto (amusing). In episode 166 (Manga Chapter 437) Hinata confesses to Naruto, but we won't see anything of this develop for a long time as the Manga (which is much farther ahead of the Anime) doesn't touch on the Hinata*Naruto thing as far as I've read (Chapter 500)

Is there any Naruto shippuden episodes you can see online?

yes go to it so far has episod 1-17 and it goes up every week hope i helped x

Does Kakashi do the rasangan and what episod is it on?

kaskashi didn't do the resangan until he was training naruto to learn his chakra element.their isn't a episode yet because the anime is still catching up with the manga.go to to read the manga.

Do Naruto and sakura marry?

posibbly sakura is starting to have feelings for naruto

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What day will Naruto be back on cartoonetwork?

Naruto is over. But you could catch Naruto Shippuden on Disney XD starting October 28th.