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When it was written or actually published? I think J.R.R Tolkien started to write The Lord of the Rings in 1937 after The Hobbit, and then was published in 1954.
"It was written in stages between 1937 and 1949, much of it during World War II."

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15y ago

The Lord of the Rings was published between 1954-55.

The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers were published in 1954 (July 21 and November 11 respectively), and The Return of the King on October 20, 1955.

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14y ago

Hundreds of years ago, most likely. Can't be sure, though, since it all took place in a completely different world!

When is a totally relative term. While there is some discussion that it was the planet Earth thousands of years ago, there is really no comparison to today as we know it.

In the Fellowship of the Ring, when Gandolf enters Bilbo's house in the beginning of the film, Bilbo asks Gandolf if he wants some scotch and he says, "1296, very good year. Almost as old as myself." So assuming it is the way it seems, the movie would be sometimes in the 1300s because Bilbo is just over a 100 years old. I don't think this was intended by Tolkien, it may have just been the director showing what time it has the most similarities to.

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13y ago

The Hobbit was completed in 1932 and first published in 1937.

The Lord of the Rings was written gradually between 1937 to 1949, and the three volumes were published between 1954-1955.

A revised second edition of The Hobbit was published in 1951, to help conformity with LOTR. A third revised edition was published in 1966.

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9y ago

It was written over a period of twelve years starting in 1937 until 1949, and wasn't published until 1955.
J.R.R.Tolkien started writing the trilogy at the start of World War II but wasn't completed until 1949 and published in 1954.

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15y ago

JRR Tolkien wrote it at his home while a professor at Oxford University.

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14y ago

In 1937, following the publication of The Hobbit.

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14y ago

The Hobbit was published in 1937 and was submitted to the publisher in 1936.

The Lord of the Rings was written between 1937 and 1949 and after much editing was published in 1954-5.

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