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Note: The Lord of the Rings is a single book. It is not a trilogy and not a series. It was merely published in three parts/volumes, which are named: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King.

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Q: What are the three parts of the lord of the rings?
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Which Lord of the Rings book is the best?

The three part of the Lord of the Rings "trilogy" are really to be considered as parts of one, making the whole the best of them. Any breakdown is subjective.

How many part on Lord of the Rings?

There are three books but two parts to every book. So you could say three or six.

Where is the second part of the Lord of the Rings filmed at?

All three Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in New Zealand.

How many installments was 'The Lord of the Rings' book?

The original publication of 'The Lord of the Rings' was split into 3 parts. It can now be found in one volume.

How many Lord of the Rings has there been?

movies, three. books, ENDLESS middle-earth books, but there were originally 9 books, which Tolkien condensed into 3. There were three movies and actually, Tolkien had the three books as one but split into 6 parts. He was later told to split it into three separate books. And as for characters, Sauron is the one Lord of the Rings.

How many installments are there to the Lord of the Rings movie?

There are three Lord of the Rings' movies.The Fellowship of the RingThe Two TowersThe Return of the King

Was Lord Of The Rings a book?

Lord of the Rings was a series of three books.

Was the New World Symphony featured in The Lord of the Rings?

It was not. The entire music score of the three movies of The Lord of The Rings was written by Howard Shore.

Is "Lord of the Rings" a trilogy?

Yes, "Lord of the Rings" is a trilogy, consisting of three books: "The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "The Return of the King."

Is "The Lord of the Rings" a trilogy?

Yes, "The Lord of the Rings" is a trilogy, consisting of three books: "The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "The Return of the King."

What is the three lettered name for the wicked creature in lord of the rings?


Who directed The Lord of the Rings?

Peter JacksonPeter Jackson