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The year when he was born is a little unknown to me, but I do know he was first released in the year 1994 for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 for the Sega Genesis and Knuckles was 16 years old at that time.

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Q: When was knuckles enchinda born?
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How old is Knuckles the enchinda?

knuckles is currently 16. or maybe 22. but im sure hes 16 :).

Is an enchinda cold blooded?


When was Mickie Knuckles born?

Mickie Knuckles was born on May 16, 1984.

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William Knuckles was born on 1928-02-25.

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Knuckles Nelson was born on 1968-09-26.

Who does Knuckles the ecidna like?

Canon wise, you could say that Rogue and Knuckles have a "thing". You could also say that he likes Tikal, another Enchinda in the STH univserse. But nothing was and probably never will be announced that Knuckles has a "crush" on any character.

What kind of creature is an ekinda?

you spelt it wrong its spelled enchinda and its an monotreme.

What is Mickie Knuckles's birthday?

Mickie Knuckles was born on May 16, 1984.

How did Knuckles the Echidna get his knuckles?

It hasn't been said if Knuckles had anything special done to obtain his knuckles, most likely, he was born with it. Much like Sonic was born with his super speed. See what happend in knuckles comics.

When was Frankie Knuckles born?

Frankie Knuckles was born on January 18, 1955, in New York City, New York, USA.

Who is enchinda mammals?

The echidnas are spiny anteaters. They are one of only 2 mammals that give birth in. eggs

Can knuckles turn into super knuckles?

yes he can but he turn into hyper knuckles and he is pink.