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royal rumble 2010
He said sometime in 2010.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

He should be coming back for WrestleMaina

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Q: When is edge comeing back to WWE?
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no. hes retired but he may come back to wwe and not wrestle

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no becase he brocked his neck

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Doubt it, hes busy making movies. Id love for him to come back though, even if its just once. he's coming back in the summer of 2010 He said he has a "suprise" for the wwe so only time can tell

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I'm not so sure anbout edge but the rock is coming back

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his contract is expiring this month he is going back to wwe he will return with edge his contract is expiring this month he is going back to wwe he will return with edge

Wwe when does edge come back?

Royal Rumble 2010

Is edge coming back in 2011?

yes, edge is coming back to wwe just for one night to be the guest superstar.