All I know is she is born in 1915.. They never say when her birthday is
October 10, 1915
Jackson Rathbone's birthday is December 21 1984 jasper's is 20th december
Stephen Hales died on January 4, 1761 at the age of 83.
Jasper's real name is Jasper Lee Whitlock Cullen. He takes on the name Hale so that people will think that he and Rosalie are siblings.
It doesn't mention the official date of her birthday in the Twilight Saga.She was born in 1915.
Her birthday is 4-15-1915.
Nope, April
No, it never says the day.
April, 1915, is when Rosalie was born.
no rosalie's bithday was october 10 1915, read Eclipse
Rosalie Hale was born in April, 1915. Her birthday was never disclosed.
April, 1915. The day was never disclosed.
Rosalie Hale's birthday in the Twilight saga is on May 4th, 1915.
October 10, 1915
Rosalie Hale's birthday is mentioned in the Twilight series as being on April 7.