It doesn't mention the official date of her birthday in the Twilight Saga.
She was born in 1915.
Rosalie is the first name she says. Then Emmett.
At the beginning of the series, there are 7 Cullens: Dr. Carlisle Esme Emmett Jasper Rosalie Alice and Edward
Yes edward ,alice, emmett,jasper,roslie are all adopted
Caarlisle Cullen is oldest, then Esme, Jasper Whitlock, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Edawrd
I think it's March 18th, 1901 and Emmett Cullen's is March 15th! So I guess in this order but im not sur about Carlisle or Esme.Order1 jasper Emmett rosalie Alice edward!her vampire birthday is January 1st at 12:00am
rosalie and jasper ARE cullens, its just the humans think they are brother and sister. but they ARE CULLENS
Rosalie isn't called Rosalie Cullen, she's Rosalie Hale.
Rosalie's middle name is Lillian.
Rosalie Lillian Mcarty hale.
Rosalie Cullen's real name is Rosalie Lillian Hale.
exactly andRenesmee's is September 10,2008 Emotional Bunny/Twilight Addict this order Emmett Cullen Age 20 March 15th Jasper HaleAge20 December 14th Rosalie hale Age 20 October 10th Alice Cullen Age 19 March 18th Edward Cullen 17 June 20 Bella Swan (there friend) September 13th
No Rosalie does not like Bella's company and does not like her hanging around the Cullens.
See related link.
Rosalie, Carslile, Emmett and Esme.
Rosalie Lilian Hale