Jackson Rathbone's birthday is December 21 1984
jasper's is 20th december
Jasper's real name is Jasper Lee Whitlock Cullen. He takes on the name Hale so that people will think that he and Rosalie are siblings.
On her birthday, Bella gets a paper cut while opening gifts. Aroused, Jasper runs and attacks Bella. Edward holds him back from hurting her, but Bella is terribly injured.
Stephen Hales died on January 4, 1761 at the age of 83.
It never actually states what day or month he was born. The only date of birth that is given for Jasper Whitlock (or more commonly known as Jasper Hale) is that he was born in 1843.
I don't think we ever learn anything about the date of Jasper Whitlock Hale's birthday, we only know his birth year is 1843.
The Hales in Twilight are the Cullen family, who are vampires. They are led by Carlisle Cullen and include Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett. They are known for their extraordinary beauty and abilities.
Jasper Hale
he was born in 1844 because in eclipse it said he joined the army in 1961 when he was 17 but lied to them and said he was 20 so he could get in.
Stephen Hales was born on September 17, 1677.
Yes, in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, Jasper Hale's middle name is indeed "Whitlock."
exactly andRenesmee's is September 10,2008 Emotional Bunny/Twilight Addict this order Emmett Cullen Age 20 March 15th Jasper HaleAge20 December 14th Rosalie hale Age 20 October 10th Alice Cullen Age 19 March 18th Edward Cullen 17 June 20 Bella Swan (there friend) September 13th
Carlisle was born in the 1640s Jasper was born in 1843 Esme was born in 1895 Edward and Alice were born in 1901 Rosalie and Emmett were born in 1915
um....no. it' s that they a vampires
Robert D. Hales was born on August 24, 1932.