Yes, it's a very slow, excruciating, and painful death. it happens about 30% of the time but it's kept private to save money.
I'm pretty sure she had cancer because in the show when Miley/Hanna was having guy troubles the mom said she wouldn't be there
Hannah's mom never died.
AnswerNo, Soulja Boy's mom did not die. It's all a false rumor. You can go on you tube and see Soulja Boy tell you that it was a 4real they are telling the truth soulja boy mom did not die!
no one knows
NO WAY.......... course not why would her mum be dead
There is no commonly recognized definition for the word 'aboration.' It is possible that it may be a misspelling or a rare term with limited usage.
I'm pretty sure she had cancer because in the show when Miley/Hanna was having guy troubles the mom said she wouldn't be there
Yes, abortions are not free.
My Mom's Having a Baby was created in 1977.
A misspelling. Perhaps you meant 'aberration' or 'abortion'?
* MOM is married * mom getss pregnat * mom gets a job as a teacer probably by having a baby.. probably by having a baby..
No, I know many people who havehad one but then later on had a baby
Yes, if she is your daughter.
Yes, she is dead.
no my mom dad did not die i was asking a qustion to answer . com why did u ask me that qustion i have a mom and a dad from kyleigh shelton
her mom is alive.....
Because, without her dying, the plane would have never been invented, because having their mother die is what pushed them to want to fly, and try to reach her in heaven,