At this time, there are no official plans for a Midnight Sun Twilight movie. If that changes in the future, we could see a movie within two years of the start of development. .Right now, the earliest we could see a Midnight Sun Twilight movie would be in 2023 or 2024.
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As of now, there is not a fifth book to the Luxe series. The last book to come out was called Splendor and is the fourth and possibly last book of the series.
Twilight, the first book.
No, it is not a "Twilight" book but it is a real book. The full title is actually called "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and it's by Willam Shakespeare. The book has nothing to do with "Twilight".
Edward came from Chicago in the early 1900's.
It's not even sure IF it's going to come out - see question 'How would I see when the fifth book of twilight would come out?'
it may come out sometime thiis year or so - NEVER!..:(
There will be a fifth book.
their are no fith book it only has four books everyones hoping that she come out more
there is no "fifth book", well there is, but its the first book "twilight" in Edwards point of view, so nothing new really happens
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Stephenie Meyer has started to improvise a book called "Midnight Sun", and the first chapter is on her fan page. It is the book "Twilight" through Edward's eyes. She is still writing it, so when it will be finished is unknown.
No it's not finished
No, their is not, but Stephanie Meyer is working in "The Midnight Sun" which is twilight, in Edward Cullen's point of view. Yes. There is going to be a fifth book and it's title is "Midnight Sun". The book is Twilight from Edward's propspective. There is no release dates yet.
it is about bella being a vampire and renesmee with jacob
If you consider 'Midnight Sun' the fifth book of the collection, then yes. Which It's basically an extension of 'Twilight', so it's like a complementary addition to the saga, to give more insight on the viewpoint of Edward in the book.
There Was A Book Suposed To Come Out (Midnight Sun-The First Book ,Twilight, But In Edward Point Of View) But Someone Posted The First Few Chapter On The Internet And Stephenie Meyer Wasnt Happy So We Dont Know If She Is Going tO Finish The Book :/