Maybe he always has a hardon???
Stephenie Meyer had a dream one night about the meadow scene with the characters that would later become Edward and Bella
Bella and Edward attended prom together, and in the gazebo scene danced to "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" by Iron and Wine. Victoria was revealed shortly after, a foreshadowing of what was to come.
No Edward Scissorhands Did Not Die.
Edward Cullen's dad name is Edward senior and Edward Cullen's mom name is Elizabeth
Edward +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
Edward Jenner came from England.
The name Edward originated from old english.
Edward Gough Whitlam mainly grew up in canberra.
"Stereo Love" by Edward Maya was released in 2009.
Edward II was son of Edward I who was the king of England. Edward II led a disasterous reign. Funny thing is he married Isabella of France.
I don't think an Edward and Bella action figure is to be made.
They come from Dublin, Ireland
the year you were born