Most likely because he imprinted on her so they probably will end up getting married. It didn't say so in the book, but it did say when a werewolf imprints, they are made specially for the person they imprint on. So Renesme will eventually fall in love with Jacob.
Jacob and Renesmee does not get married in the series, due to the fact the until the end of Breaking Dawn Renesmee is still a baby. They cannot be married now, too, because Renesmee was born in 2006, and will be an adult only in 2013, 7 years after her birth, like Noul and his sisters.
Good question! I'd like to think it would be "illegal" for a human/vampire hybrid and shape-shifting wolf to get together. Since there's a special treaty protecting the wolves and vampires, it may or may not be possible. The Volturi may also get involved. It's even possible that Jacob and Renesmee could commit suicide together just so they can be together.
The books do not continue that far into Renesmee's life, however, Jacob does imprint on her.
Jacob wanted to kill renesme because by being born, renesme killed the girl he loved more than anything, Bella xxx~Also, he thought that Renesme was a "monster". They only reason he didn't kill her before was because she was inside Bella, and he would have to kill Bella to kill the baby.
It is Renesme Carlie Cullen. She is Bella Cullen's and Edward Cullen's birth daughter. In the 2nd book it is Bella when Edward leaves. Then in the 1st and 3rd book's he has no girlfriend.
Who is Kellie?
Jacob does not marry Renesmee in Breaking Dawn, shes a baby... Will they get married? That's up to Stephani Meyer...
The books do not continue that far into Renesmee's life, however, Jacob does imprint on her.
Jacob blackIn Breaking Dawn, Renesmee and Jacob never actually got married (Renesmee was still a child). But Jacob imprinted on her and they were destined for each other, so they willmarry.
After edward and Bella marry, Jacob wants to be appart, but later renesme comes in the picture and Jacob imprints on her. So they all end up together.
Jacob is emotional towards Bella because Jacob was in love with Bella until Renesme was born in the 4th book Breaking Dawn and Jacob imprints on Renesme.
Breaking Dawn will be all about how Bella and Edward marry, about their baby, and how Bella turns into a vampire, and the story about Jacob and Renesme.
He imprinted on her.
in the book, she attacks him because shes mad at him for nick-naming Renesme "Nessie", when bella hasnt even seen Renesme for the first time, and also because Jacob imprints on Renesme.