No, they only kiss in doujinshi manga ( that's a fanmade manga) and you can find lots of videos of it on youtube. And in the anime they almost kissed. But the manga is still ongoing so maybe...
Maka Albarn,who is also the main character of the show.
Crona becomes friends with maka in episode 21
well maka asked soul to start calling her angel in chapter 63 but he doesnt actually refer to her as an "angel" tell chapter 65
The anime is over and no,Maka did not die.The manga,though,is on-going,but Maka has yet to die in it too.It is a possibility,but she,as the main character,probably will not die,making that chance very,very slim.
Yeah! Maka and Soul dance together in episode 20.
Maka Albarn is voiced by Laura Bailey .
No, they only kiss in doujinshi manga ( that's a fanmade manga) and you can find lots of videos of it on youtube. And in the anime they almost kissed. But the manga is still ongoing so maybe...
they're from soul eater
It was when Soul and Maka was fighting Crona for the first time.
Maka Albarn,who is also the main character of the show.
Maka and the others appear in the story, but are not the main characters.
Crona becomes friends with maka in episode 21
When Maka and Soul first met, Soul played an insane tune on the piano, sort of as a way of impressing Maka. Later, Soul plays the piano inside his soul to amplify his power and his friends' powers at the request of the Little Demon.
Soul Said to Maka that he was in love.
It is unknown as of now.
well maka asked soul to start calling her angel in chapter 63 but he doesnt actually refer to her as an "angel" tell chapter 65