well maka asked soul to start calling her angel in chapter 63 but he doesnt actually refer to her as an "angel" tell chapter 65
The Navaho would call it Digotava
its manga if its read right to left made in japan and is in the same reading order.Manga (漫画, まんが) is just the Japanese terminology for comics. They also call their own comics using the Japanese wasei for comics -->コミクス 'ko-mi-ku-su'
I think tono is Japanese for "lord"
Hyorinmaru's call is "Sit upon the frosted heavens," and though the call varies slightly depending on English to Japanese translation and whether or not it's the anime or manga version, the basic message is still the same.
It's Vivi because in all the summaries they call him Vivi, so I think Bibi was just an error
If you are referring to manga artwork, Manga Studio is probably what you are looking for.
The French call it La nouvelle manga or just nouvelle manga
I softly call her a "right angel".
Soul Call was created in 1967.
why did they call ray Charles the genius of soul
angel! get it.... attractive angle angel
I have read it what do you want to know you can read it her http://www.mangafox.com/manga/double_call/ x <3
It is the introduction. But I wouldn't call it the "soul."
An Angel.