John Thaw is 175 cm.
John Thaw played Regan and Dennis Waterman played Carter in The Sweeney.
John Cena did not die.
John coreforth is not dead
John Rudling died in 1983.
Lung cancer
John Thaw's birth name is John Edward Thaw.
John Thaw is 175 cm.
John Thaw was born on January 3, 1942.
John Thaw was born on January 3, 1942.
John Thaw died on February 21, 2002 at the age of 60.
john thaw made hidden treasure in the year 1875
Alan Thaw died in 2007.
David Thaw died on November 9, 2006.
John Thaw An Appreciation - 2002 TV is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
The John Thaw Story - 2002 TV is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
John Thaw