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Bella is opening her birthday gifts and she gets a paper cut. Jasper then lunges at Bella because of the blood.

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Q: When Bella Swan opened her gifts what all happend and how?
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Is Bella Swan single?

No, Bella Swan is not single.

What is Bella Swan's whole name?

Her name is Bella Marie Swan.

What motivated Bella Swan?

Bella Swan's aim is to become a vampire

Who is Bella Swan's mother?

Renée Dwyer is the mother of Bella Swan.

What is Bella Swan's full name?

Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan (later Bella Marie Cullen)

What was Bella Swan's full name?

Bella swan is really Isabella swan ----- Her full name is Isabella Marie Swan.

Who is Bella Swan's mom?

Bella Swan's mom was named Renee.

Bella Swan's Mum's full name?

Bella Swan's mom's name is RENEE DEWAR - HER MARRIED NAME WAS SWAN.

What novel is the character Bella Swan from?

Bella Swan is a character from the popular Twilight series penned by Stephanie Meyer. This character was originally known as Isabella Marie "Bella" Swan and later as Bella Cullen.

Who is Bella Swan's English teacher?

Bella Swan's English teacher's name is Mr. Mason.

Any sites where you can find pictures of Bella Swan?

Do an image search on Google for Bella Swan.

What actress portrays Bella Swan in the pictures on Photobucket?

Kristen Stewart plays Bella swan