Katie Baby face , is a model but a sene model if you want to know what she looks like then go on to images and type in : Kate Babyface ( it should come up with a girl with blond and black higlighted hair )She is a 16 year old girl Born on the 3rd of April 1992.Katie is on facebook but she put her name as Katie strike so facebook would let her in. If you would like to add her send her a messig saying im a fan and would like to become friends.Thank you PS : Katie Baby face
Kathryn Elizabeth Skadoske used the scene name Katie Babyfayce and became a scene queen sensation. Her MySpace account was created in 2007, when she was 18. She had, and still does have, hundreds to thousands of fake profiles. She deleted all her internet accounts, therefore the fakes could no longer get pictures. So, one decided that instead of deleting his/her fake account, they'd make up the rumor that she had died in a car crash in Oahu, when she was thrown out of an open-top jeep. This rumor is 100% FAKE and Katie is NOT dead. Some of her fakes were uploading pictures of Kiki Kannibal, another scene queen, and photoshopping Katie's face onto Kiki's pictures.
i went to that concert and the main thing that was different was that they all swapped clothes!
"Internet "Famous" Site model, Kathryn Elizabeth Skadoske, recently left the internet on March 14, 2009. She was tired of all her fakes, and of all the drama. Honestly, she just wanted to relax for a while, without being bothered all the time. Months after Katie left all the drama, her fakes started getting a little weird, because they didn't have any new photos of her. Some fakes start photo-shopping pictures of Katie's face into Jenn Curbstomp, Kiki Kannibal, or other random peoples photos. Other fakes just left. But one person decided that they would tell people, Kathryn Skadoske died in a car crash in Hawaii. As the rumor spread, millions of Katie's fans have became devastated. A lot of fans crying and all the stuff. Yahoo questions has millions of people asking if Katie "babyfayce" is really dead. And so many people are making up lies. One girl said, "Yes, Katie Babyfayce" was killed in Oahu on Sunday March 14, 2010 when she was thrown from an open top jeep in which she was a passenger." Katie was never in "Oahu" and she especially didn't die in 2010. This rumor was made way before that. Supposedly, she was now thrown out of a Jeep? Which is pretty pathetic."she did die her real name is Callindra Drogan..and it was on the Hawaii news and everything." Her name is NOT, I repeat NOT " Callindra Drogan". I have no idea who made up that name, but it's utterly pathetic. She has videos of herself saying her name is "Katie Skadoske.""no she isn't deadd.. only her mom died and she almost died but she is still aive today." Now people are saying that Kathryn isn't dead, but her mom died? This is pretty sad.
A mentally unstable inmate who develops an obsession with Piper. Suzanne is a lesbian who, according to Healy, has been a problem in the past, with a violent history. She refers to Piper as "Dandelion" and follows her around the prison. After Warren puts a request in with Healy to bunk together, Piper confronts her and rebuffs her advances. This causes Warren to retaliate by urinating on the floor of Piper's cubicle while she is sleeping. As the season progresses, she starts to leave Piper alone and a more vulnerable side of Warren is revealed. It is shown that she is hurt that everyone calls her "Crazy Eyes". She also confesses to Piper that she came back from the Psyche ward, something few inmates do. She has a flair for reciting literature and poetry, often writing her own compositions. In Season 2, it emerges that she gets stage fright, and on the night of Piper's altercation with Pennsatucky, had come outside in the midst of a panic attack and, mistaking Piper for her adoptive mother, had punched her in the face, inadvertently making it look like a more even fistfight, saving Piper from severe punishment. During her childhood, she didn't have the same social development as other children, such as her sister, Grace. Her mother was very protective of her and pushed Suzanne to do things she didn't want to do, which left emotional and mental scars on Suzanne later in life. She falls for Vee's charms and maternal influence, eventually becoming her "muscle", violently beating or threatening any inmates who cross her. Later, Vee attempts to coldly trick her into taking the fall for Red's beating but fails, and Crazy Eyes is left distraught.
Daniel Lynch is a tall former cage fighter who raped and mutilated his ex-girl and former model Katie Piper. He and the friend who he bullied into trowing acid in Katies face are serving life-long terms in an British prison at this time.
The movie ended when Micah was thrown (literally) on the video camera, followed by Katie, who is essentially been taken over by the 'demon'. The Demon-Katie killed Micah.
page 121 near the bottom(:
Unfortunately, when Chidera was a kid he got kidnapped and apparently had acid thrown on his face which left those scars.
When he was younger he got kidnapped and acid was thrown on his face so he got the bubbly like scars since acid almost eats away and burns ur skin so its like a blister but without all the effects of one
Her Dad id being held hostage by a mean giant who plans on killing him if piper does not do as he giant tells her.
In one movie version of The Phantom, acid was thrown in his face. However, the real reason why he is disfigured is because he was born that way. His mother, feared and loathed him because of this and gives him a white mask to wear.
Katie - 2012 Revolutionary Face Transplants Jessica Lange 2-48 was released on: USA: 13 November 2013
He got thrown overboard
In the book "So Much to Tell You" by John Marsden, Marina's face is disfigured due to acid thrown at her by her father. She covers her face with a scarf to hide the scars and struggles with feelings of shame and isolation because of her appearance. Throughout the novel, Marina learns to cope with her physical appearance and begins to open up to others.
i say..... Katie is prettier not fitter coz i am a girl and i think Megan has a bigger face,more make up and to be onest i like both but i go with Katie
There is nothing mysterious about this. Dogs and cats do not like having water thrown in their faces for the same reasons that human beings do not like having water thrown in their faces. You, personally, probably do not like having water thrown in your face, unless you are very overheated. And let us remember, a human being with a wet face usually has the opportunity to dry off his or her face with a towel; animals do not have that opportunity.