Katie Baby face , is a model but a sene model if you want to know what she looks like then go on to images and type in : Kate Babyface ( it should come up with a girl with blond and black higlighted hair )
She is a 16 year old girl Born on the 3rd of April 1992.
Katie is on facebook but she put her name as Katie strike so facebook would let her in. If you would like to add her send her a messig saying im a fan and would like to become friends.
Thank you PS : Katie Baby face
Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds is 58 years old (born April 10, 1959).
The deele
Kenneth "Babyface" Edmond's older brother Kevon was born February 25, 1958.
Near Los Angeles, California
A babyface is wrestling slang for a heroic character.
Babyface was first with The Deele and then Manchild.
Christmas with Babyface was created on 1998-10-27.
The Essential Babyface was created on 2003-06-10.
Babyface - musician - was born on 1958-04-10.
babyface net is worth 1000000 dollars
The Day - Babyface album - was created on 1996-10-29.
Rock Bottom - Babyface song - was created in 1994.
Playlist - Babyface album - was created on 2007-09-18.
A Babyface or a face is the "good guy or goodie" in wrestling where as a heel is the "bad guy"
The song "Nobody Knows, but me" was not done by Babyface. It was done by an artist named Tony Rich. Okay Babyface sang it too. What album is it on?