Butcher Cover because it has the 4 Beatles in white coats smiling with 2 decapitated baby dolls and raw meat all over them it is worth a lot of money because it was canceled because it was considered to be not appropriate for the public
Yesterday... and Today. The original cover had a photo of the Beatles wearing butcher jackets, and covered in pieces of meat, baby-doll parts, and false teeth. Strong objections to the first copies caused the album to be yanked from store shelves, until a different cover could be printed. The original cover photo came to be called the "Butcher Cover".
Many of the first run had the second cover pasted over the original; clever fans discovered they could steam off or peel the pasted cover. Those covers (peeled or not) became collectors items, nearly as valuable as the plain original covers.
I believe that was the American released album, Yesterday and Today. The original 'butcher' album cover had The Beatles in white butchers' outfits, covered in decapitated baby dolls and meat. This was considered offensive so the cover was changed.
Our friend is a huge Beatles fan and has almost every Beatles album. He just found the Beatles album Revolver on iTunes and downloaded the full album.
"Yesterday" is a pop song originally recorded by The Beatles for their album Help! (1965). According to the Guinness Book of Records, "Yesterday" has the most cover versions of any song ever written.For the source and more detailed information concerning this issue, click on the related links section indicated below.
Let It Be, and the compilation The Beatles 1967-1970 (aka the "Blue Album"). The original, undubbed version appeared on the bootleg album Get Back, and later officially on The Beatles Anthology Vol. 3. A remixed version appears on Let It Be... Naked.
"The Beatles"
Yesterday and today album and the help album.
That infamous album cover was on early issues of "Yesterday and Today."
Yesterday and Today
White album, blue album, abbey road, yellow submarine, yesterday and today, meet the Beatles, help!, let it be, hey jude
I believe that was the American released album, Yesterday and Today. The original 'butcher' album cover had The Beatles in white butchers' outfits, covered in decapitated baby dolls and meat. This was considered offensive so the cover was changed.
If you mean The Beatles Yesterday, then it's on Help. Its a GREAT song on a GREAT album
The Beatles did not have an album called Yesterday; however, they did release a song entitled "Yesterday" on 6 August 1965 which was recorded in the same year on 14 June. The song itself is on the album "Help!"
There was a song by the Beatles called "Yesterday" that came out in 1965.
Yesterday and Today original cover, which was recalled and had another cover pasted over. They called this the "Butcher Cover", and is very valuable, if you can find one. Check condition for value on Beatles.com.
Revolver, was released August 5, 1966.
Yesterday... And Today in the US; Past Masters(not issued until 1987) in the UK. (The Beatles had a policy in the UK that anything issued on single would not appear on album, after their first hits; Capitol Records in the US ignored that policy.)
This album contains some of The Beatles' most popular hits. For example, the album contains "Love Me Do," "She Loves You," "A Hard Day's Night," "Yesterday," and more.