The signature move of Randy "The Ram" Robinson" is the diving elbow drop which is delivered after jumping from the top rope of the ring.
The Stone Cold Stunner was the signature move of WWE wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. The move hurt because it involved the opponents throat being plunged into Austin's shoulder.
triple-h's signature move is spinebuster....
Check on create move sets and go to edge's signature move
The Rock's cousin Rikishi
legdrop ??
No way he is an awesome and my favorite wrestler. He just needs to change his attitude. He is 7 times world champion and his signature move is one of the best right now!!!!
I think you go on something like edit move set and click created superstar then click on the wrestler then click on finishers then click on your created signature move. It is something like that.
its rock bottom
Signature from a celeb in that sport
The Stone Cold Stunner was the signature move of WWE wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. The move hurt because it involved the opponents throat being plunged into Austin's shoulder.
Giratina's signature move is Shadow Force.
WWE wrestler John Cena does the move called the FU.
triple-h's signature move is spinebuster....
How I do signature move on wwe all stars
It is a move by a hot wrestler