The Stone Cold Stunner was the signature move of WWE wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. The move hurt because it involved the opponents throat being plunged into Austin's shoulder.
my brother was stunner today
Zoe Stunner's birth name is Alexandria Crownover.
Revenge. Goldberg speared Stone Cold by a mistake, he was actually aiming for mr. Mcman but missed. stone Cold still wanted revenge, THAT STUPID RATTLE SNAKE!
The Hurt Locker was filmed in Jordan and Kuwait.Based on:the-hurt-locker
the song was 'do you really want to hurt me'
yes but, not as bad as the ultimate stunner
my brother was stunner today
stunner has very fair mileage 60kmpl.
what average give stunner bike
Zoe Stunner's birth name is Alexandria Crownover.
A stunner in the WWE has the potential to hurt the other person if not performed right. You bet!! Just imagine a shoulder driven into the bottom of your throat or jaw with huge impact... OUCH!!!
Stone cold stunner hurts between your chin and your neck
Lou chez press, Elbow drop, Stunner
A natural stunner refers to someone or something that is naturally attractive or impressive in appearance. It can apply to a variety of contexts, such as nature scenes, animals, or people.
it funny
coz she gets them alll!