Justin Biebers date of birth is March 1,1994
No Joel Bieber is not Justin Biebers dad. Justin Biebers dads name is Jeremy Bieber not Joel.
you can contact Justin beiber at 4046653410
scooter braun
Justin Bieber's Hockey Number is 18.
I love you
Toronto Maple Leafs:)
Justin Bieber's other favorite sport is basketball.
hockey, xbox, piano, trumpet, drums, guitar...
it is Wayne gretzky he recently challeneged him in a game of hockey im not sure who won though
soccer,hockey,singing. spaghetti and meatballs and tacos
Toronto maple leafs
hockey, soccer and chess and singing obvioulsy, he also like playing different instruments :)
Yes. Justin and Ryan were on a hockey team when Justin lived back in Stratford. Along with Ryan , Justin is also friends with Chaz Somers.
Justin biebers manger is scooter braun