The Twilight Saga refers to the series of books and movies beginning with the one entitled Twilight. The movie saga includes Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, and once the two-part Breaking Dawn is made, that will also be part of the saga.
twilight came out first but, Vampire Diaries already had a book. So basicly it would have to be Twilight but Vampire Diaries was being made at this time.So i would say Twilight but Twilight compied Vampire Diaries.
Stephanie Meyer is re writing the twilight series but from Edwards point of view. the first one is called midnight sun
Katie Price's first husband was Peter Andre.
Twilight, the first book.
The first book is just Twilight."Twilight" is the first book in the Twilight series.
The first part of the Twilight movie series is called "Twilight."
In the Twilight series, Renée's second husband is named Phil Dwyer.
The first movie in the Twilight series released in 2008 is called "Twilight."
First Sight
Pauline's (from eastenders) first husband is called Auther.
If you read the book you will find out.
First Off It Is Not Called Twilight 2 It Is Called : New MoonAnd 2nd Its A12A
The first chapter Stephanie Meyer wrote in the Twilight novel was called First Sight.
The first book in the Twilight saga is titled "Twilight." It follows the story of a teenage girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.
Its called Full Moon