I read that Cyrus McCormick was worth as much as $18 million dollars at one time.
whats the answer
Cyrus Invented a horse-drawn reaper; what once took 20 hours to harvest could be done in less than 1 hour; made large-scale farming possible without the use of slaves, but I do not know what Jo Anderson did.
1809 1884
ryan guzman they kiss in the movie
He was gay
Cyrus Hall McCormick had a boyfriend
Cyrus McCormick invented the reaper.
What state is Cyrus McCormick
Cyrus McCormick was born on February 15, 1809.
Cyrus McCormick was born on February 15, 1809.
Cyrus McCormick Farm was created in 1809.
Cyrus McCormick's Mother was Nacy fowler (1780-1853)
Cyrus McCormick died on May 13, 1884 at the age of 75.