Cyrus Invented a horse-drawn reaper; what once took 20 hours to harvest could be done in less than 1 hour; made large-scale farming possible without the use of slaves, but I do not know what Jo Anderson did.
Jo Anderson helped Cyrus mccromick to invent the reaper.
Jo Anderson helped to invent the reaper. This was a mechanical farming equipment that planted larger fields, which lessen the work of farm labors.
Jo Jo Laine died in 2006.
Billy Jo Bobby Jo and Betty Jo
Jo McInnes was born in 1969.
The mechanical reaper was invented by Cyrus McCormick, not Jo Anderson. He applied for the patent in 1834.
Cyrus McCormick was actually the co-inventor of the reaper. The other inventor was Jo Anderson. Jo Anderson was a slave and if often not credited for co-inventing the reaper with Cryrus McCormick (a white man). As for WHEN they did this, sometime between 1800-1830.
The man who helped Cyrus McCormick invent the mechanical reaper was a slave named Jo Anderson. McCormick also acknowledged that his invention was based on work done by people before him.
Jo Anderson and Cyrus McCormick
Jo Anderson
He is often credited with being the inventor of the mechanical reaper or harvester.
Jo Anderson helped Cyrus mccromick to invent the reaper.
He donated to churches and universities for the most part. He believed in helping to feed the world.
Jo Anderson was a slave who later became a prominent and successful farmer after emancipation.
Jo Anderson helped to invent the reaper. This was a mechanical farming equipment that planted larger fields, which lessen the work of farm labors.
Jo Anderson was the slave that helped his master invent the Reaper.
The first successful mechanical reaping machine, the reaper, was made by the American inventor Cyrus McCormick and Jo Anderson in 1831.