There are many times when Edward reads Jacob's mind but here is the one I think your talking about: when they are at Fork's Highschool Jacob is torturing edward with his mind. HE is thinking about Bella when edward left her. seeing her in pain like that tortures him
The reason that Edward can not read Bella's mind because as it explains in the fourth Twilight book Breaking Dawn Bella becomes a vampire and it turns out that she can shield which means that apart from Alice, Jasper and Renesmee (Bella and Edwards daughter, long story) no vampires powers work on her.
also in the first movie of twilight when edward was in the restarunt he said he couldn't read her mind when she was a human even if he tried so hard
Alice had a vision of Bella cliff diving, thinking of suicide. She told Rosalie who told Edward. Edward called the Swan home to check and Jacob seemed to confirm it. So, Rosalie.
No she doesn't. In Eclipse, Jacob and Bella share 2 kisses. One of them, Jacob forcefully kissed Bella, the other, Bella asked Jacob to kiss her to prevent him from going into the fight with Victoria.
Edward will forever be 17, and Bella will be 18.
Edward left Bella in the woods outside her house.
Do you rember when Bella and Edward were talking about Romeo and Juliet thing at the beginning of New Moon. Well he said that once Bella died he would go to the volturi and ask to be killed. Well do you also rember when Jacob thought he was taling to Carlise when he really wasn't he was talking to Edward. Well unfoutnatly when Jacob said Charlie was arranging a fewnral that made Edward think that Bella died so... Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself. Because he thought Bella was dead.
Bella shows what she is thinking to Edward
she said sorry and edward said that im stronger than i thought and Bella said i wish i can say the same
First of all its not Edward and Bella. Its Robert and Kristen. And two things: Tabloids lie. And The Rumors Fly.
5 way more are you kidding me
because Jacob kissed Bella without her wanting
Obviously he can, considering they get married and have a kid.
None at all - or not more than a cm
She likes Edward not Jacob
Bella Swan from the Twilight Saga was kissed by Edward Cullen in her truck in the sequal to TWilight: New Moon
No. Bella's heart is on Edward Cullen. Jacob is Bella's great friend... Even though Jacob and Bella kissed, doesn't mean they will go out. Bella marries Edward and stays with Edward forever. The kiss meant great friendship to Bella. To Jacob it meant love, love, love.