U2 - Mysterious Ways
Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon
Let her pale light in to fill up your room
You've been living underground
Eating from a can
You've been running away
From what you don't understand...
Wet Willie.
Organic in art....By Deb Haugen-the organic artistPlease view my work at the galleryhttp://www.theorganicgallery.comThe word Organic can be applied to a variety of subjects. I'm writing about "Organic Art", and what that means to me, as people have tagged me….The Organic Artist. I've always been more comfortable outside than in, I just prefer nature to walls. As a child my Mom had to drag me inside every night. I lived just up the hill from a wonderful swamp, I know my fascination was born there in that magical swamp. Currently I have very strong beliefs in helping our environment, and concerns for the future of our planet.When you think of the term organic, you obviously first think of produce, that has been organically grown without chemicals. I think when referring to Art with the term Organic attached, we naturally will conjure up pictures in our minds of natural flowing things, a lush landscape, a gnarled tree, or a bunch of freshly picked flowers, maybe even a basket of produce.I first thought about the concept of "Organic Art" while walking the creek bed behind my home in Malibu, Ca. I wanted to capture on canvas the feel of hiking the trails, or exploring the creek. I wanted to convey my response to nature, something that had a truly innate natural look and feel to it. To take it a step further, I wanted to show the fundamentals of nature that we see daily, that are so strikingly familiar to us, and their relationship to time. I'm intrigued by micro assemblages, tucked just below the surface, unusual hidden worlds complete in themselves. Macro and micro organic happenings are ongoing constantly, natural occurrences that also have to do with the passage of time. Time reveals itself through rotted wood, new growth, death, strata on the side of a mountain wall, all these things show the evolution of our Earth, organic markings of the passage of time.Now, mix these with feelings of emotion, physical movement of an artist responding to nature, and you have what I call….Organic Art. It is an artists vision of nature, natures movement through time, and that particular artists feelings, and responses. I want the viewer to re-live an atmospheric memory in their relationship to nature.Art can also be termed "Organic" by the materials an artist is using. Artists use organic pigments, leaves, branches, berries, stones, etc. An assemblage of natural materials, a sculpture in wood or marble, stones stacked/placed along side a river……..or even crop circles, they are all examples of what I would term a form of Organic Art.For me, I find that creating abstract art with an raw, almost telepathic sensitivity in mind lends itself to the emotions involved, rather than painting a pretty sunset that we all recognize to be a sunset. The realistic landscape artist discusses the beauty of a forest they are painting. I am focused on the emotions and feelings that my art conveys, atmospheric memories relived. Organic art reeks of a certain inner familiarity, something very fundamental, and essential in our daily lives. My paintings convey the organic complexities that surround us, sometimes about serenity, sometimes complex layering systems of decay or destruction. All of life responds to the primitive, tangible, evolution of our planet, some just a little closer to the source.Organic art is rudimentary, it is essential, it's primordial, supportive and vital. It might express itself in a piece of raku fired ceramic, a collection of twigs, or paint on a canvas, twisted, layered, and textured. Organic art is all around us. Look at the car bumper rusted in a gorgeous swirl of burnt sienna, or the red paint peeling off the fence, they are all examples of natural occurring art being affected by time. Organic art is and always has been a part of our ever changing planet.Deb Haugen 2/20/2013
Why are beauty pageants considered by many to be degrading? Well, some people would say that beauty pageants put women on display and judge them based on qualities that men find appealing while simultaneously downplaying the importance of intellect. The interview portion of the Miss America pageant, for example, is rarely televised or even done before a wide audience; while the "onstage question" is televised, it accounts for only 5% of the total score.
youve got to run a marathon in under an hour
you have to wait till youve gone on howrse 10 times. then go under the breeding tab. then CLICK ACTION!
it simply means youve mispelled the whole entire thing. microsoft could have told you that
your health is 9
The contraction of you have is you've.
go to rowan's lab
A Beatles song called ' Hide Your Love Away'. It goes:- Hey Youve got to hide youre Love Away, in the Chorus.
No sorry.
a game where youve got to try and get hungry
then youve got things wrong with you