the secret Carly told to Mrs Benson wad that Freddie didn't get into N.E.R.D camp because 4 months before they started dating Sam asked Freddie what time it was but Freddie didn't know so Sam sabotaged his entry for to stuff like NAME: Freddie Fish Tickler Benson, Hobbies: robbing banks, looking at clouds and something else.
Sam got out, because Carly and Spencer and friends, went to take her out, i think.
Freddie, Sam and Carly must hold a Speed Dating session when they are overwhelmed with boys that wanna take Carly to the upcoming dance.I hope there's some Seddie!!!!- hope so too but someone said Carly and Freddie kiss :( BUT they're doing this so Carly gets a date to the dance, so maybe Freddie will take Sam...? Lets hope!-JDeppLove456
Because Bilbo wanted to sneak away from the camp to go see the Dale men, and he wanted to do it in secret.
Sam and Freddie do get together in ilost my mind. At the end Freddie kisses Sam patiently. the next episode idate Sam and Freddie shows they got together in the last episode.they decide to break up in ilove you after hearing Carly give advice to Jennie and Spencer about their relationship saying a=she thought they were trying to take their relationship and force it into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.Sam and Freddie take the advice and break up int the elevator at 10:30.after Sam gets out of the elevator Freddie admits he loves her.Sam then says she loves him too, they then kiss.Freddie looks at his phone says it only ten thirty, ending with them both agreeing to re-break up at midnight as an excuse to kiss for the last time in the elevator 'til then. p.s. my username for is PruneMastr.i often post stuff about seddie to my friends.;D (by the way, my spelling's really bad)
They became trapped in the mountain because Bilbo felt danger outside so they came in ans closed the secret door
myyearbook and i was Carly
Carly and Spencer's mother died and their dad is on a submarine.
Sam got out, because Carly and Spencer and friends, went to take her out, i think.
Carly, Sam and Freddie must hold a speed-dating session when they are overwhelmed with boys who want to take Carly to the upcoming dance; Spencer follows a bizarre workout regimen.
Carly shay on icarly watched how celby marks fight she said on her webshow[] she said she can fight celby but turns out she was joking she could never fight a boxer or wresler but then celby mark knoked on her door and Carly screamed Carly thinking:aaaaaaaah celby marks is gonna destroy me HARD sam thinking:Carly can take her i should help her nah! Freddie:poor Carly i wuv her but i can not help her sorry Carly nevel[Carly enemy]:carlys gonna blead and cry hahahahahaha Spencer:come on Carly you can take celby celby marks:i m gonna pound her HARD so bad watch out Carly shay HA watch the new i Carly
The girl Nora has their phones so they cannot commumicate with anyone ect: gibby or spencer. The girl has kidnapped them and hled them hostage in her basement so she's bound to take their blongings against their will
iCarly - 2007 iCan't Take It 5-2 was released on: USA: 17 September 2011
Take it EASY it's not over, they take a paus ;)
ican't take it
after idate sam and freddie is icant take it i think they gonna break up then and after that in ilove u sam and freddie wil be a couple again SEDDIE FOREVER WOEHOE
Yes. The character of Carly Manning left the show in 2011. Her character left to travel with her son.