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Sam and Freddie do get together in ilost my mind. At the end Freddie kisses Sam patiently. the next episode idate Sam and Freddie shows they got together in the last episode.they decide to break up in ilove you after hearing Carly give advice to Jennie and Spencer about their relationship saying a=she thought they were trying to take their relationship and force it into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.Sam and Freddie take the advice and break up int the elevator at 10:30.after Sam gets out of the elevator Freddie admits he loves her.Sam then says she loves him too, they then kiss.Freddie looks at his phone says it only ten thirty, ending with them both agreeing to re-break up at midnight as an excuse to kiss for the last time in the elevator 'til then. p.s. my username for is PruneMastr.i often post stuff about seddie to my friends.;D

(by the way, my spelling's really bad)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes she will in the episode ilose my mind when Sam puts herself in a mental institute after she can't control her actions about Freddie\

*update* It is hoped that they will.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

NO! NONONONONONONONONO! never he pukes when he thinks of it
I think its just a rumor but they are close friends in real life

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βˆ™ 14y ago

WOA! Are they gonna?! I haven't heard that!

(Sorry this couldn't help you find out when... :D)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

On the Nickelodeon series iCarly, Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson dated briefly during Season 4, from Episode 9, "iOMG", until it drove Carly crazy in Episode 11, "iLost My Mind".

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes but unfortunately they break up

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: When will Sam and Freddie date?
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Will sam and Freddie date now?

they will, if their parents are fine with it.

When does i date Sam and Freddie premiere?

I heard Saturday this weekend

When does i date sam and Freddie comes on?

September 10 2011

What happens in iDate sam and Freddie?

After the kiss on iLost My Mind, Sam and Freddie start dating. They decide to go on a date to a restaurant, but are scared that they will start fighting in the middle of their date. So, they invite Carly along to monitor them. The title is referring to Carly because she feels like she is dating both Sam and Freddie. Thus, the title is called, iDate Sam and Freddie.

When sam and Freddie date on icarly what are the episodes called?

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Sam and Freddie will ever get together after the episode of ispeed date?

Carly will have an intresed in Freddie in an episode called iwill date... but i don't know much else

Will Sam ever kiss Freddie on Icarly or date him?

yes they do in 1 episode

On the new icarly does sam or meledy kiss Freddie?

Sam kisses Freddie. It's both Sam and Freddie's first kiss. In the episode IKiss Sam and Freddie kiss, but in the episode ITwins it is Melanie, not Sam.

Do sam love Freddie?

Yes. If you watch iOMG, Sam kissed Freddie. Freddie's new app said that Sam was in love. When Freddie was talking to her, she kissed him.

Does Freddie like Sam's kisses or Carly's?

he likes carly's because he always wanted to date her

Why does Sam kiss Freddie in iOmg?

Sam kisses Freddie because she has a crush on Freddie and while Sam and Freddie have a serious talk about love, Sam kisses Freddie without any notice. Although, Freddie likes Carly, Sam likes Freddie, and Carly's love is still undentified. The ICarly love tarin is just a different process and it is wacky.

Why do sam hates Freddie?

Because Sam thinks Freddie is a maniac brainiac.