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If you carefully stop the frames from this movie on a DVD you can tell in the scene where Mike (Robert DeNiro) ejects cartridges from his rifle that the cartridge is a 30-06 government. This would make the caliber of the rifle .308. The rifle used is a Remington model 700 BDL. This particular rifle model was chambered for this cartridge contemporary with the filming of this movie, and in fact continuously from its introduction to present.

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16y ago
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15y ago

there were a couple different rifles....

1 USMC M40A3 rifle

  • 2 Barrett M82
  • 3 DShK
  • 4 Browning M2
  • 5 M29 81mm Mortar
  • 6 AK Variant
  • 7 M4A1
  • 8 Cobray 37mm Launcher
  • 9 Cheytac (Cheyenne Tactical) M-200 Intervention
  • 10 Remington Model 700PSS
  • 11 Glock 17
  • 12 Remington Model 341
  • 13 RPD machine gun
  • 14 Double Barreled Shotgun
  • 15 Colt M1911A1
  • 16 Heckler & Koch G36C
  • 17 Heckler & Koch G36KE
  • 18 Beretta 92FS
  • 19 Remington 870 Express
  • 20 SIG-Sauer P226
  • 21 Walther P99
  • 22 Taurus PT92

These are the weapons listed. There is one more. I believe they miscredit the rifle. It is a .22. It has a supressor. He shoots Memphis' captors. I am doing further research on this.

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13y ago


I believe the above original answer is incorrect. The rifle used by Mark Wahlberg in "Shooter" was a Chey Tac (Cheyenne Tactical) M200 Intervention, .408 cal.

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12y ago

open shot 7.62 nato, then 50 BMG

later a remington 700 in 308 and a M4 in 5.56 nato

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12y ago

At the beginning an M40A3 and Barrett (can't remember variant), Mark uses a CheyTac Intervention to test on the can, and all throughout the movie various hunting rifles are used.

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IF the 13 year old is a novice shooter, a bolt action .22 is a good starter gun. Relatively inexpensive, very light recoil, it requires a positive action to loadsuccessive shots, and by simply opening the bolt, the rifle is taken out of action. However, my 13 yr old granddaughter has shot with me for several years, is a competitive rifle shooter, and uses a AR-15 in caliber .223. It is important that the rifle fit the shooter physically- beyond that it will depend on the build and experience of the shooter.

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NO! This will damage your rifle. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!This might also damage the shooter...A 17HMR's bullet is .172 diameter a .22 Mag is .224,and the difference in cases means theres gonna be some rupturing,damaging the gun and the shooter....DONT DO IT!!!!

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