NO! This will damage your rifle.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!This might also damage the shooter...A 17HMR's bullet is .172 diameter a .22 Mag is .224,and the difference in cases means theres gonna be some rupturing,damaging the gun and the shooter....DONT DO IT!!!!
If your Iver Johnson is marked for the .22 WMR.then yes,if it is not then do not attempt to load or shoot .22magnum ammo in your rifle.
About $750, depending on condition.
200+ ft. lbs at the muzzle
You will have to call Henry to find out.
.17 is the caliber, HMR means "Hornady Magnum Rimfire".
I think the .17HMR would be a better choice all around, I have both and the 17HMR is better by far. The .22 bullet travels about 900'-1300' FPS and the .17HMR travels at 2200'- 2500 FEET PER SECOND.
.17 is the caliber, HMR means "Hornady Magnum Rimfire".
rim fire as a 22cal.
NO NO NO! Only shoot what the rifle is chambered for and so marked.